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Chef's Recommendation : Cafe/Sweets

21 - 21 of 21 restaurants

A Happy Pancake Fukuoka Tenjin

幸せのパンケーキ 福岡天神店

  • Tenjin, Fukuoka
  • Cafe,Cafe/Sweets
Book Now 1 recommendation
Average price
1,200 JPY
[Weekday] 10:30 am - 7:30 pm (last order 6:45 pm)
[Sunday,Saturday,Holidays] 10:00 am - 8:30 pm (last order 7:40 pm)
English services

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I recommend this restaurant.

A popular pancake shop where there are always lines. The pancakes that are baked on the spot have a moist and fluffy texture. It is recommended to eat pancakes that are fluffy baked with the power of nature without using baking powder, and plenty of fermented whipped butter using high-purity manuka honey.Learn more
Yumesaki Cafe Ufufu Kota Ushijima
Kota Ushijima
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