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Chef's Recommendation : Aichi, Western

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IZUMI cafe &bistro

IZUMI cafe &bistro

  • Kasugai, Aichi
  • General,Western/General/Italian/Cake
Book Now 1 recommendation
Average price
[Weekday,Saturday,Holidays] Lunch 11:00 am - 4:00 pm (last order 3:30 pm) / Other 8:30 am - 10:45 am (last order 10:30 am)
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I recommend this restaurant.

IZUMI cafe & bistro is a place where you can comfortably operate from a mom's perspective, based on the concept of "a place where families can gather." Even though it is a Western-style restaurant, it has a tatami room, a kids corner, a completely private nursing room and a diaper changing corner, so children can spend their time without hesitation. There are also workshops where you can participate with children.Learn more
Chopsticks French Bon tigre Masamichi Ishikawa
Masamichi Ishikawa
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We are introducing the restaurants around Aichi, Fukui, Ishikawa, Nagano and Toyama recommended by the real chefs.
These restaurants provide delicious cuisine such as Japanese, Taverns, Italian/French, Yakiniku/Steak, Dining bar, Chinese, Bars (pubs), Sosaku (creative), Party/Amusement, Cafe/Sweets, Ramen (noodles), Other Asian, Global/International, Curry and Buffet, perfect for your dinner.