Select the Izakaya (Japanese tavern), Beer Gardens/Halls, French, and Yakiniku (Japanese BBQ) restaurants you are interested in from the recommendations for Hatsukaichi/Otake.
With SAVOR JAPAN, you can search recommended Izakaya (Japanese tavern), Beer Gardens/Halls, French, and Yakiniku (Japanese BBQ) restaurants found around Hatsukaichi/Otake according to your search criteria such as area, budget, and cuisine.
You can also check the recommendations for
Hiroshima prefecture.
Recommended cuisines for Hatsukaichi/Otake are
Shabu-shabu / Sukiyaki,
Yakiniku, and
Kaiseki(course menu).
You can search restaurants found in the neighborhood area;
Hiroshima Station/MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium,
Itsukushima Shrine,
Senjokaku, and
Museum of Historical and Folklore Materials.
See more stories of Izakaya (Japanese tavern)/ Beer Gardens/Halls/ French/ Yakiniku (Japanese BBQ) restaurants in Hatsukaichi/Otake, Miyajima, Hiroshima (Discover Oishii Japan).