Teppanyaki Kobe
鉄板焼 神戸
Help desk
Enjoy a blissful moment savoring teppanyaki using the finest ingredients, with only 12 seats at the counter.
Teppanyaki Kobe offers the opportunity to enjoy how carefully selected ingredients are brilliantly cooked with skillful techniques. Guests can savor t read moreo their heart's content various delicacies that are concentrated with the flavors of the ingredients at the counter seats overlooking the panoramic view from the 22nd floor. Both lunch and dinner courses are full of seafood as well as Japanese black beef. According to the guests' needs and wishes, the restaurant will elegantly create a special time to spend with someone special. Luxurious ingredients such as Kobe beef and black abalones are cooked perfectly in the unique teppanyaki style. The restaurant's relaxing atmosphere is perfect for those who want to spend a leisurely adult time and is a must-visit teppanyaki restaurant for anniversaries. learn more from chef
- English menu
- English-speaking staff
- Free Wi-Fi
- Lunch
- Late-night service
- No smoking
- Special dietary requests
- Western cutlery
- Information
- Photos
- Menu
- From the chef
- Map
- Reviews
Teppanyaki Kobe
鉄板焼 神戸
Help desk
06-6644-5762 (+81-6-6644-5762)
- location_onAccess
- Directly connected from "Namba Station" of JR lines, about 1-minute walk
- restaurantCuisine
- Japanese / Teppanyaki (iron griddle grilling),Western / Steak,Alcohol / Wine / Teppanyaki,Yakiniku/Steak
- scheduleOpen
- [Monday, Wednesday-Sunday, National Holidays, Day Before National Holidays] Lunch 11:30 am - 2:30 pm (L.O. 1:30 pm) / Dinner 5:30 pm - 10:00 pm (L.O. 8:00 pm)
- blockClosed
- Tuesday
- paymentsAverage price
- Dinner: 20,000 JPY / Lunch: 8,000 JPY
- credit_cardMethod of payment
Credit Card Accepted
Visa / JCB / Diners Club / American Express / Master Card -
E-money Payments Accepted
Transportation IC Card / Prepaid IC Card -
QR Code Payments Accepted
PayPay / Rakuten Pay / d Payment / au PAY
- pin_dropAddress
22F, 1-2-3, Minato-machi, Naniwa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka map
- local_taxiAddress (for taxi driver )
- 大阪府大阪市浪速区湊町1-2-3-22F
- translateEnglish services
- English menu available.
- listFeatures
English menu / Free Wi-Fi / Lunch / No smoking / Special diet / Western cutlery / Reservations / Counter seating available / course meals / Large wine selection
*Please add a special request for inquiries regarding smoking/non-smoking.
Notation based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions
- Information
- Photos
- Menu
- From the chef
- Map
- Reviews