Notation based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions
- Service Provider
- 株式会社USEN
- Service Provider's Address
- 東京都中野区中野4-1-1中野サンプラザ
- Representative
- 検証 太郎
- Restaurant
- restaurant hitosara
- Address
- aaaa map
- Price
- Price as stated on the reservation form
- Additional Price
- If you order additional food and beverages, you will be charged separately for the relevant items. Please pay for the additional orders at the restaurant on the day of your reservation.
- Delivery of Service
- At the restaurant
- Payment Timing & Method
- At the restaurant; In accordance with the restaurant's payment method
- Cancelling Reservation
- In the event you cancel your reservation, you will be charged the following fees in accordance with the cancellation policy:
Failing to cancel the reservation prior to the designated date stated in the restaurant's Cancellation Policy may incur cancellation fee.
Please ensure that you have confirmed the Cancellation Policy before canceling the reservation.Cancellation Policy
Canceling this reservation may incur a cancellation fee as follows.
For Course Reservations:
Cancellation (without notice): 100%
Cancellation (with notice):
Cancellation made on the day: 100% (per person)
Cancellation 1 day before: 90% (per person)
Cancellation 2 days before: 80% (per person)
Cancellation 3 days before: 70% (per person)
Cancellation 4 days before: 60% (per person)
Cancellation 5 days before: 50% (per person)
Notice from the restaurant regarding the cancellation policy :
For Seats-Only Reservations:
Cancellation (without notice): Average price of the restaurant 500 JPY per person
If you wish to cancel a reservation, cancellation fees based on the cancellation policy will be charged to your card. Additionally, regardless of the reservation start time, if the date changes (in Japanese time), the cancellation policy will be enforced for any cause, including natural disasters, transportation delays, personal health difficulties, or any other reason.
There will be no cancellation charge if the cancellation is made by the restaurant for their convenience or operation.
If a cancellation is made without prior notice to the restaurant, help desk, or through the My Page service, we may suspend or restrict the usage of SAVOR JAPAN.
Date and Time Changes: Changes to the date and time after the reservation is completed are not possible. If you wish to change the date and time, please cancel the reservation once (according to the cancellation policy) and make a new reservation.
Number of Guests Changes: Changes to the number of guests are not possible after the reservation has been completed. If you wish to change the number of guests, please cancel the reservation once (according to the cancellation policy) and make a new reservation.
- The cancellation fee will be automatically deducted from the registered card information.
- 販売事業者名
- 株式会社USEN
- 販売事業者の所在地
- 東京都中野区中野4-1-1中野サンプラザ
- 代表者名
- 検証 太郎
- 店舗名
- レストランヒトサラ
- 所在地
- 東京都港区北青山3-1-2 map
- 料金
- 来店時にご注文いただいた飲食代
予約時にご選択いただいたコース代 等 - 料金以外に必要な費用
- チャージ料金・サービス料金等
- 商品の提供時間
- 店舗来店時
- 支払時期・方法
- 来店日当日のお会計 店舗が定める支払方法に準ずる
- 予約のキャンセル
- ご予約をキャンセル頂いた場合、キャンセルポリシーに準じて下記料金をご請求いたします。
当日キャンセル(連絡なし): 100%
無連絡キャンセル: レストランの平均予算 500 JPY/名
- 予約をキャンセルする場合、キャンセルポリシーに基づいた料金がカードに課金されます。また、予約開始時間に関わらず日付(日本時間)が変わったタイミングで、天災、交通機関の影響、ご体調等、理由を問わず、キャンセルポリシーが適応されます。
- お店から連絡をもらい、お店の都合・操作によりキャンセルの場合、キャンセル料は発生しません。
- お店、ヘルプデスク、マイページへの事前連絡なくキャンセルされた場合、SAVOR JAPANの利用を停止または制限させていただく場合がございます。
- 日時変更: 予約完了後の日時変更はできません。日時変更をする場合は、一度予約をキャンセル後(キャンセルポリシーに準じます)の上、再度ご予約ください。
- 人数変更: 予約完了後、原則、人数変更はできません。人数変更をご希望の場合は、一度ご予約をキャンセル(キャンセルポリシーに準じます)の上、再度ご予約ください。