Origami Chopstick Holder: Boat Instructions in 13 Easy Steps

Origami Chopstick Holder: Boat Instructions in 13 Easy Steps

Update-date: Aug 06 2019

While making your epicurean travels through the metropolitan hubs and back roads of Japan, you are likely to find yourself with a pair of bamboo chopsticks in hand. Whether dining in upscale eateries or hole-in-the-wall ramen shops, we invite you to add a dash of charm when dining out with chopstick holder origami. Keep reading below to learn how to make a whimsical origami boat or try your hand at the grandeur of Mount Fuji or a graceful swan.

How to Make an Origami Chopstick Holder Boat

Note: If the chopstick wrapper has color printed only on one side, begin folding with the white side facing you.

Step 1

origami chopstick holderFold the chopstick holder in half lengthwise. Unfold.

Step 2

origami chopstick holderUsing the crease from Step 1 as a reference, fold the right half of the chopstick holder up so that it is perpendicular with the left half and lines up with the center fold from Step 1.

Step 3

origami chopstick holderUsing the crease from Step 1, fold the left side over to the right.

Step 4

origami chopstick holderFold the vertical half down as far as possible over the horizontal half.

Step 5

origami chopstick holderFold the horizontal half to the left as far as possible over the vertical half.

Step 6

origami chopstick holderFold the vertical half up as far as possible over the horizontal half.origami chopstick holderIn Steps 3–7, you are trying to form a square. If there is still a little extra paper left after folding Step 6, fold it down so that the crease lines up with the top of the horizontal half.

Step 7

origami chopstick holderFold the horizontal half to the right as far as possible over the vertical half.origami chopstick holderIf there is still a little extra paper left after folding Step 7, tuck it into the pocket behind the horizontal half; the pocket should only be one layer of paper.

Step 8

origami chopstick holderThere should now be two flaps in the bottom-left corner. Fold the flap closest to you up and to the right so the bottom-left and top-right corners meet to form a triangle.

Step 9

origami chopstick holderRepeat Step 8 on the back flap, folding it behind.

Step 10

origami chopstick holderThere is now a large pocket on the long side of the triangle. Insert your finger into the pocket to open it up, and with your other hand bring the top and bottom corners of the pocket together so that they touch.origami chopstick holderStep 10 in progress.origami chopstick holderThe triangle is now a diamond (or a square, depending on how it is rotated). Rotate so that that the corner with the hidden layers is facing up.

Step 11

origami chopstick holderThis step is the most challenging. Bring the two outside flaps located at the top down while exposing the center flap.origami chopstick holderStep 11 completed.

Step 12

origami chopstick holderFold down the flap inside the boat so that the tip of the flap touches the bottom.origami chopstick holderStep 12 completed.

Step 13

origami chopstick holder

Open the base of the boat by gently inserting your finger into the pocket located at the bottom of the boat.

Your Chopstick Holder Origami Boat is Complete

origami chopstick holderorigami chopstick holder
Disclaimer: All information is accurate at time of publication.
Update-date: Aug 06 2019

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