While making your epicurean travels through the metropolitan hubs and back roads of Japan, you are likely to find yourself with a pair of bamboo chopsticks in hand. Whether dining in upscale eateries or hole-in-the-wall ramen shops, we invite you to add a dash of charm when dining out with chopstick wrapper origami. Keep reading below to learn how to make a graceful swan or try your hand at the grandeur of Mount Fuji or a whimsical boat.
How to Make an Origami Chopstick Wrapper Swan
Note: If the chopstick wrapper has color printed only on one side, begin folding with the white side facing you.Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10

Step 11

Your Chopstick Wrapper Origami Swan is Complete

Disclaimer: All information is accurate at time of publication.
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Update-date: Aug 06 2019